Haiti – Well Worth the Step of Faith

We will soon have Jennifer Bullock’s final report of her month in Haiti. Everything happened so fast. January 11th I was preparing for a trip to Baja, Mexico for a YWAM Southwest Leaders Conference followed by a trip to Australia to teach in a School of Music in Missions. Jen was working on a video project and seeking a few other photography jobs that would help with the finances to upgrade some of her equipment. Then….. January 12 happened! The devistating 7.0 magnatude earthquake hits Haiti. We all began praying for the thousands who were affected. Most of us began to ask…. ‘What should I, personally do?’ We ALL knew we SHOULD do something! It was beautiful to see the outpouring of help Haiti got in the way of finances and personnel from around the world.

Being full-time missionaries… we always feel we must ask God what our part is when something like this happens. In YWAM we have teams whose ministry is to be ‘First Responders’. Of course, they went immediately. Then… we began to get news about YWAM in Haiti. They were sharing how their own facilities were not damaged very much and they were seeking to help others in their nation…. BUT THEY NEEDED HELP!.

We were all glued to the news on TV, Radio and internet to keep up with what was happening in Haiti. Daily our hearts were being broken. Then one day as Jen and I were having a casual lunch, I said to her, ‘YWAM Haiti is asking for all of the YWAM bases world-wide to pray about sending workers to help. One of the things they need are photographers and managers’. I knew Jen had skills in both. I then asked, ‘Are YOU interested in going?’ She looked at me straight in the eyes and immediately said…. ‘YES!’

From years of experience of seeking to simply obey God, I know that he DOES change our plans to take us somewhere totally different than we had planned for HIS purposes. I’ve also learned that as we seek to obey Him, that He will be faithful to give us what we need to fulfill it. Jen and I both knew that this would be one of those times.

As we put out the word to many of our friends and family that Jen was preparing to go to Haiti, many people responded and within about two weeks the Lord had provided about $4,000. The budget was $5,000. We are still believing that the Lord will bring in that last thousand.

What is the MOST important with this, is that because Jen was obedient, MANY people were helped and blessed. God once again used His people to be His kind hand of comfort. In a few years we won’t really remember exactly how much it cost to send Jen to Haiti. We WILL remember all the stories she brought back. Yes… God’s love story is not just in the sixty-six books of the Bible… it is still being written everyday as He reaches out to a hurting world through His people.

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